Experts in ADHD & Autism
A boutique mental health clinic specialising in ADHD & Autism Spectrum Disorder in children and adults

Autism Spectrum Disorders across the lifespan
Although autism was once thought to be an uncommon developmental disorder, recent studies have reported prevalence rates of at least 1% in children and young people.
Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorders
The core autism behaviours are typically present in early childhood, although some features may not manifest until later, when academic and/ or social requirements are increased, for example, the start of nursery or school or, less commonly, the transition to secondary school. Regression or lack of progress in language and social skills is reported for a proportion of children with autism, usually, but not exclusively, between the second birthday of the affected child.
Although the core difficulties remain in large the same, the way in which autism manifests will differ across different ages and therefore for any individual may change over time as they mature, in response to environmental demands but also interventions, and in the context of coexisting conditions.
In Effra clinic we follow the NICE guidelines to provide a state of art multidisciplinary assessments of ASD across the lifespan, including the use of structured diagnostic instruments, Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI) and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS-2). We tailor our assessments to the needs of the individual and we provide comprehensive reports including recommendations for interventions.
Click here to see details of the diagnostic packages for adults and children.
Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders
There is no 'cure' for autism, however, there are a number of interventions that can help some of the core features of autism, some of the symptoms, behaviours and problems commonly associated with autism, and support families and carers.
Around 70% of people with autism also present with at least one other (often unrecognised) psychiatric disorder that further impairs psychosocial functioning, for example, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or anxiety disorders. Psychiatric evaluations and follow ups are very important as some of these difficulties are treatable or can be managed to improve daily functioning and quality of life. We work with network of experts who can provide further assessments and support as needed.
Click here to see details of the treatment packages for adults and children.